Mein Name ist Anna-Cécile Zauchner, ich bin Yogalehrerin und lebe derzeit im schönen Pernitz in Niederösterreich.
Ich biete seit fast 10 Jahren Vinyasa Yoga Einheiten an, die Raum für Transformation und nährende Bewegung ermöglichen. Um die Bandbreite von Yoga zu erfahren und Heilungsprozesse in Gang zu bringen, sind Atemübungen, Bandhas, Mantras und Klang ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Yogaklassen. Weiters kannst Du traditionellere Elemente aus dem Asthanga Vinyasa und Iyengar Yoga entdecken, gemischt mit intuitiven und experimentellen Bewegungen und Spass.
Currently on holidays.
New MamaClasses Coming up in September in Pernitz,NÖ and Vienna !
If you have any questions on joining my classes, events or you want to book me for a private session, I would be very happy if you send me an email!
The first time I practiced Yoga, was a Hatha Yoga Class in a basement, I was about 13 years old, and I found it somehow boring and exhausting at the same time. Many years would pass, without any yogic approach and searching for happiness and pleasure on the outside by crossing many lines and oceans. At the end of my teens, I was very much into how I look and at the same time dealing with depressions, addictions and Food Disorders so I thought Yoga would be a great idea to get into a fitter and happier body. The thought came into action, but the result turned out to be a beginning of a journey back into my body and to myself. As it started to evolve, life started to change; not just the relationship to myself also relationships to other people, animals, plants, and food started to swift. Until now Yoga helps me to see things more clearly and conscious and accept things as they are in their own nature. Yoga for me is not just a gateway to happiness it also a gateway into all ranges of emotions which doesn’t always feel relaxing or smooth. But at the same time Yoga offers so many tools for healing and clearing all of these ‘shadows’ and to deal with them in a more constructive way.
As Yoga is something that should be taught by a teacher, I want to mention some of the teachers and people that keep inspiring me and that I’m very thankful for: Romana and Sascha Delberg, Christa Heitzmann,Tina Nirtl, Boomaji Chaitanya, Paul Dallaghan, Arielle Nash, Angela Farmer, Danny Paradise, Damien de Bastier, Jo Tastula, Paulo Zardo (Reiki ), Antonio (Shamanism), Priscila Niedbalka and the community of Flor da Montanha,..
AND my daughter, partner, family, friends and dogs as they remind me every single day that the real Yoga practice begins off the mat.